August 27 2010

Happy Birthday!!! Pac-Man Turns 30!!!

I’m sure most of you diehard fans know but on May 22, 2010, Pac-Man celebrated its 30th birthday. That more than 10,957 Days of Pac-Man enjoyment!!!

Happy Birthday Pac-Man!!!

August 24 2010

“The Dirty Beer Wench” Gets a Makeover!

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When I added an Asteroids, Mouse Trap and a Mad Planets to my collection in January I figured it was going to be a busy year for collecting and restoring. However between family, work, freelance, reproducing Nintendo T-molding and building my new e-commerce store I haven’t fully restored anything this year. I mean, I was able to detail Mouse Trap and Mad Planets but as far as a full fledge restoration it just hasn’t happened this year. Until today when I decided that “Ice Cold Beer” was going to be my first (and probably only) restoration of 2010.

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